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The Registrar deals with student admissions, registration and enrollment of students. This department is headed by Registrar whose role is to ensure that advertisement of new courses is done promptly, admission of new students, administration of both internal and external examinations and issuance of results slips and certificates to students.
The courses offered are at the following levels:
i. Diploma
ii. Certificate
iii. Artisan
iv. Trade Tests
The main intakes are in January, May and September. Look for information at various departments to see the timing which suits you.
Registrars message
Welcome to Kerio Valley TVC Registrars office, This department is headed by Registrar Mr. James Bor. The office is also in charged with facilitation of Both External and Internal Examinations.
Objectives of registrar’s office.
a. To develop competent and skilled manpower.
b. To improve marketing of academic programs.
c. To co-ordinate admission and enrollment of students.
d. To offer career guiding and course selection advises.
The main service sections in Registrar’s office:-
– Registry and Admissions
– Examinations
– Marketing/Outreach
Deals with admissions, registration, enrolment and keeping all records pertaining to students.
The office of the registrar works with the HODs in various academic departments within the college to determine the educational course requirements for admission and graduation within each program. The registrar develops procedures to be used in the registration section, and ensures that those procedures are followed successfully.
This section undertakes the following. Advertisement of vacant posts, advertising of new courses, Issue letters of admissions, Maintain the student records Advice on career progress and development for our current and potential students among others . In addition, the registrar’s office provides statistical data regarding student entry, enrolment and matriculation to the government and other educational boards like the KUCCPS
Examination section mainly deals with registration of candidates for exams, providing examinations centres and dates, keeping exam records of all departments, communicating with examining agents on all exam matters e.g. KNEC AND NITA. This section prepares the schedules and timetables for the Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) and End of term exams, distribute the result notifications for the end of exams. The section is headed by the Exams Officer.

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